Tuesday, 22 April 2014


I have been MIA for a week from here but I come with reasonable excuses to my very small group of readers! Unfortunately we are about to hit May which in student life is the most hated month of the year... exams. I have therefore been dedicating my life to land law, administrative justice and punishment which to be quite honest is excruciatingly painful. I am back and trying out a recipe from The Londoner blog!

Monday, 14 April 2014


I had a really packed week last week (I should have been revising, oops!) and one of my to do list for the summer was to go to South Lakes wild animal park! It's a really cute place that does a lot for conservation and care of animals in the wild and they pretty much let the animals run wild so you find yourself being followed by monkeys, lemurs, goats and penguins.

Thursday, 10 April 2014


I am SO excited to finally be able to put a face to the name of my very own pug puppy. I have been mithering my mum for years for one and she finally gave in for my 21st birthday present! We decided to get him 6 months earlier to enjoy him over summer and have him trained before the horrible Northern winters come. I have named him Pablo, which started off as a joke at first put now it's just stuck and he's already the most spoilt pup.

Wednesday, 9 April 2014


I went on another shopping trip into Manchester city centre with no intentions of buying anything else after Sunday but this intention never prevails. Ever. I am so excited about these purchases though because I have been wanting some premium make up and some sunglasses for a while now and I am excited I have finally found some!!

Tuesday, 8 April 2014


I've had a really busy and also really exciting few days!

On Sunday I gave in to my shopping habits by going to Trafford Centre in Manchester, I ended up with a gorgeous jacket from Topshop but I will be cursing it all summer. It was bright white when buying it, and I completely forgot to check the washing instructions so after wearing it twice, it already needs to be dry cleaned (heart breaking a little).

Jacket; Topshop, Jeans;Topshop, Jumper; Topshop, Shoes; Topshop (oops)

Saturday, 5 April 2014


I was overly excited to receive this in a parcel this morning! I am the biggest nail varnish/nail art/just generally all things nails fan and also pastel colours.

Thursday, 3 April 2014


I wanted to do my first beauty post basically on the products I currently have in my make up bag(s).

I had to narrow this down quite a lot or I would have been taking pictures for hours and it's only since doing this blog I have realised I have an insane amount of lipsticks and I literally had to chose my favourite few! I don't really buy my make up based on my personal favourites, I get different brands almost every time I run out of anything, really just because I'm on a mission to find the best ones for me really.

I like to mix premium brands with high street brands but as I said, I still haven't found my perfect make up combination and the only thing I absolutely swear by is my MAC gel eyeliner, which I haven't changed since being around the age of 16.

Tuesday, 1 April 2014


Mothers Day was celebrated on Saturday for me and my mum so we could really enjoy our planned cocktail night.

I almost always end up buying my mum a really sweet usual mothers day card and end up seeing something hilarious that fits her in our household perfectly!